Fall landscaping season is here! If you are like many homeowners, you enjoy the change in season. New seasons bring new landscaping ideas, home decorations, and differing ways to enjoy your yard. For those of us that live in climates that have wide ranging temperatures throughout the year, it is now time for fall landscaping and pre-winter home maintenance.

We here at Bacson Pros have some tips for how to prepare your yard for winter that will make your yard look beautiful in the spring.


1. Remove the Leaves

Whether you choose to wait until they have all fallen, or you rake up leaves every weekend, it is important to have all your leaves raked, bagged and disposed of before the first snow of the year. Leaving leaves on the ground through winter can attract pests and will prevent you from being able to fertilize to promote growth when spring finally arrives. 

There are many ways of removing leaves from your lawn. You can rake or use a leaf blower and manually put leaves in bags, you can use a yard vacuum, or you can mow and mulch at the same time.  

Remove Leaves Before the Rain

Make sure to remove leaves before, or long after it rains. Leaves absorb the water making them heavy to move, and costing more to dispose of. If you rent a dumpster landscaping, the waste is weighed and you will be billed for throwing away water. 

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